On Fighting For Liberty

I had reasoned this out in my mind; there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty, or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other; for no man should take me alive; I should fight for my liberty as long as my strength lasted, and when the time came for me to go, the Lord would let them take me.


Harriet Tubman


In Which Social Engineering Reminds Me of “Saw”

Do you know what’s fun? Bragging about your pets; remembering movies when you were younger; talking about your first few jobs when you were a kid; discussing your favorite book; reminiscing about your time in college; etc. Aren’t these all great things and fun to do? I agree with you – they really are. And isn’t it fun to reply to memes like the following when we seen them? They give us a chance to talk about things we like and about our interests. Here is a great example:

Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 10.51.32 PM.png

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Springtime Wonderland

Robin birds sing, are you listening
In the park, smiles are beaming
A beautiful stride
We’re so happy we cry
Homering in a springtime wonderland
Gone away is the football
Here to stay is a baseball
The crack of the bat, as we all stand
Homering in a springtime wonderland
In the outfield we can root them all thanks
Then pretend they’re all is Hammerin’ Hanks
They’ll say: are you proud?
Wel’ll say: I stand tall
And you will win it all come this fall
Later on, we’ll admire
As we watch catch fire
And stand unafraid,
The dreams that we’ve laid
Homering in a springtime wonderland
In the outfield we can root them all thanks
Then hope that other team tanks
We’ll have lots of fun with our superstars
Until their ace strikes them out
When we’re winning ain’t it thrilling
And our screams are a-shrilling
We’ll frolic and play the baseball way
Homering in a springtime wonderland

In Which Sound is Clear

Divine sound is the cause of all manifestation. The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Random fact: I enjoy playing video games. I admit it. I am not ashamed of it. There is something I am ashamed of, however. Glaringly, and now with apology, I have a confession to make. Terrible in its implications, I beg forgiveness from the video game gods.

They say that ignorance is bliss, and who am I to argue with the nameless few. Alas, in this case, I didn’t know what bliss was.

I have made a purchase. One I have considered for quite a while now. I have purchases a new headset, and the sound quality is… forgive the pun… unheard of for me before now. I am not in the habit of plugging products, but I just had to share this revelation, for there is no other word for it.

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In Which the Future is Not Written

It’s never too late to be what you might have been.

George Eliot


This has to be my favorite quote. It speaks to me, and I hope speaks to your life as well.

A couple of years ago, I decided to make a career change. Life being what it is, the change didn’t work out. While I enjoy teaching, I realized I don’t like teaching kids. And so, I opted to return to my previous career, albeit with a a different company. After a journey through the pandemic, I am one of the lucky few who managed to improve my lot – not only have I received the vaccine, I find myself in on the precipice of a more secure financial future. But the fact is, I never really worried about  the future. You see, once upon a time I lost my father and so I know what real pain and fear look like.

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The Little Things: They Add Up, Sometimes to Something Underwhelming

I love Denzel. I think Mr. Washington’s acting skills are top shelf, primo, well crafted, and all around just plain good. I see all of his movies; if I discover one I missed, well then I see that too.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I recently subscribed to HBO Max so that I could see the new Warner Brothers movies – if you are not aware, WB has decided to stream all of its new 2021 releases on HBO Max for 30 days simultaneously with the release in the theater. This, dear reader, is how I found The Little Things. And believe me when I say this is aptly named, but not necessary in the best way possible.

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